MI Global provides premier in-house training services that meet the specific needs of business owners, employees, team leaders and managers.


In-house courses are a critical component of our business, and we are able to customize courses to meet the precise requirements of individual clients.

Is your team up-to-date on the most recent developments in your field?

MI Global provides premier in-house training services that meet the specific needs of business owners, employees, team leaders and managers. A recognized leader in on-site training programs, we provide tailored training exclusively for your business.

Developing effective leaders requires hands-on instruction, opportunities to apply the learning, feedback, and coaching to further shape the skills of individuals and teams. In-house training is one of the best ways to achieve this because the input is specific to your team in a mentoring environment that they are already comfortable in: your offices.

In-house programs demonstrate your organization’s commitment to staff and employee development. They help foster team morale and a positive work culture, and have excellent team building benefits as well. In-house training is also very cost effective because there is generally no venue, travel, catering and course material costs.

As a recognized leader in training & education, MI Global does not conduct "off the shelf" training. All programs take into consideration the individual and organizational needs of the participants.

All the courses listed on our Topics page can be customized to suit your precise requirements. Alternatively, we are able to design and develop training programs to meet your organization’s specific objectives.

Our programs are relevant, practical, and delivered in an engaging way. Our on-site team trainings can be delivered to groups as small as 2 or 3 to large teams of 200 or 300. Combining assessments, interactive exercises and hands-on training, all of our courses can be delivered at a time and location to suit you.

Training Topics

  • The UNcommon Leader
  • Leadership Development 
  • Leadership Ethics & Culture
  • Team Building
  • Understanding Human Behavior
  • Organizational Culture & Environment
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Other Topics Available Upon Request 


To learn more about how your organization can benefit from our customized team training solutions, contact us by clicking the button below.

Click To See Featured Training Programs
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Learned Identity vs. Created Identity: Understanding Your Purpose
by Miller Bargeron

This eBook is one of Miller Bargeron's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn how to:

  • Find your purpose by understanding your identity
  • Understand how your dreams are connected to your purpose
  • Learn how to shift to your true identity
  • Discover how fear fights your purpose

What People Are Saying:

Renita H.
Advocate/Mentor/Author - Indianapolis, IN

"When asked to write a review of the Dream Launch Coaching Program, I was not only honored to comply, but overwhelmed with the MANY benefits I had received, and I was only at the half-way point. I went in thinking I would get a list of do's, don'ts, how to, and how not to run an organization. But the program was so much more than that.

What I learned during this coaching program is that we live on the surface of our purpose. I personally had to dig beyond the surface, go deep in the corner of my closet where I have hidden, and yes PROTECTED my deepest hurts and fears. There I learned that I had MOVED ON from my hurt but had not truly FORGIVEN the person(s) who hurt me or even myself. This course has led, taught, guided, and supported me through the true process of recognizing my hurt for what it was, dealing with it for what it is, and forgiving and letting it go, so I can truly and fully be what God has called and destined me to be. The coaches, Miller and Vikke Bargeron, were prayerfully patient, God driven, open minded, and in tune to my needs. They were the conduit that I needed to connect myself to my earthly vision and my Godly purpose. This dynamic duo took their curriculum and merged it to my personality and made it acceptable and more importantly, understandable.

Was it easy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Was it worth it? Without a doubt! So, would I recommend this course to someone who is about to embark on their next level of llife/ministry/purpose/plan? Absolutely, positively, and unequivocally yes."


Tarsha S.
The Buttafly Group - Louisville, KY

"I utilized the Mindset Integration training as a way to help me identify my own personal leadership style. This became very important to me, as my agency is focused on building capacity in order to handle larger contracts. The training helped me to pay attention to those issues that needed improvement. I would have to say that my perspective on leadership has changed. I now perceive leadership as a "combination of leadership styles." With the knowledge I acquired via the training, I now feel capable to develop a team that could be more productive and efficient in regards to assisting with the projects and mission of my agency."


Terrell R.
Logistics Entrepreneur - Orange Park, FL

"The Dream Launch program has been very beneficial to me! Prior to starting the program, it had been a long, emotional road to truly understanding my personal goals and how to achieve them. Miller and Vikke are incredible and have been there for me and my fiancé to help guide us along the way to conquering our fears and even offering their own personal experiences - which offered a lot of perspective. They went over and beyond to ensure I understood the curriculum and made themselves readily available to answer questions.

This program is a must for anyone who is ambitious, goal oriented, and wants to be successful - especially entrepreneurs. There is always "something" standing in the way of our dreams, even if we do not realize it. Dream Launch is the ideal solution! Thank you, Vikke and Miller, for this program, and for your continued support!"


Darlene C.
Sales Representative - Atlanta, GA

"The Dream Launch program was wonderful. When I started the program, I had a lot going on both professionally and personally. There was a lot of frustration, confusion, and fear. The program helped me to break things down, work on root issues that were hindering me, and finally start to launch forward without all the baggage I was carrying. Letting go of the different fears was huge for me. Through the support of the program, I was able to handle the different situations as they arose, and prepare myself for future ‘hits’ should they come. There were things that I didn’t think I could have or deserved because of my “stinking thinking,” but that was not God’s thinking. He gave Dr. Miller and Vikke insight and wisdom to give me just what I needed, and the curriculum just so happened to be in alignment with the work that my doctors and therapists were having me do. By the end of the program, all that fear that I had was gone. I now have a different outlook on things and a greater confidence in myself. It just happened naturally through doing the work. I’m so grateful. I’m not stuck because of fear any longer. I’m actually walking out the steps to have my dreams manifest. Those things I desired are not just in my head and remaining wishes of “someday.” They are God given dreams, and thanks to the Dream Launch program, I’m in the process of seeing them become reality."


Kendra M.
Paralegal - Jacksonville, FL

"My fiancé and I participated in the Dream Launch program earlier this year (May 2022). We are both goal- oriented and strive for success, but we struggled with how to really achieve our goals and dreams. We knew what we wanted, but really didn’t know how to navigate our path to get there. From the start of the program, Miller and Vikke promptly forwarded the curriculum and necessary materials needed to successfully complete the program. I, myself, was eager to get started. The sessions helped me realize what exactly was interfering with my path to reaching my dream - FEAR!

Miller and Vikke are knowledgeable, faith-driven, and just have a passion for counseling and helping others - and it shows through this Dream Launch Program! Once the program was completed, we both received a completion certificate in the mail - which was a special touch! If you remain committed to this program and complete the necessary assignments - you will feel the weight lift from your shoulders and find yourself at the finish line!"


Jennifer P.
Repair Mechanic  - Savannah, GA

"The Dream Launch Coaching Program helped me get back on track. If it wasn't for these two amazing people coaching/ mentoring me to get back on the right path, I would still be trying to figure out my life. I had read books. I had made a vision board. I even wrote in my journals about my goals and future success. However, my spiritual, physical, and mental life was not going right for me. I got to the point where I gave up on everything that I hoped for. I was at my lowest point. But one day, I got a phone call out of the blue about a coaching program that would help me change my mindset. I said YES!

When I started the Dream Launch Coaching Program, it really changed me, especially when I was introduced to the acronym C.H.A.N.G.E. (Complete Happiness After Never Giving-Up Expectations). I realized I could still Dream and be successful just by shifting my mindset. Now I feel the manifestation moving in my life. My coaches, Miller and Vikke, gave me so much insight of what I needed to do. I started putting in the work, and I haven't stopped because I see myself doing better. I thank God for Miller reaching out to me. I have had a Break Through, a Break Out, and now I am Breaking Free. I feel good about it! I challenge everyone to let Miller and Vikke coach and mentor them. I really appreciated their prayers and the love they showed me. I’m truly grateful!"

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