DISC  Assessments 

DISC Model of Human Behavior

  DISC Model of Human Behavior



DISC is a model of human behavior that analyses an individual’s behavior based on the four primary personality types.  According to the DISC model, every individual is a blend of all four personality types in varying degrees of intensity.  

DISC assessments are objective and descriptive.  They are great tools for understanding your personality and how best to connect and interact with others.  The assessments contain information about your strengths, keys to successfully communicating, ways to build relationships, and how to be a better team member.  In addition, it is a great tool for strengthening your leadership acumen. 

Everything revolves around relationships.  As such, understanding human behavior, beginning with your own, will strengthen your ability to build and sustain relationships in business, ministry, organizations, and even your marriage. 


Purchase your DISC Assessment today!

(See the Assessment options below)


Once you receive your personality assessment and review it, please contact us if you are interested in receiving training to better understand human behavior, your personality, and the personality of others.   

Contact Us To Schedule Training

Adult DISC Assessment



This 6-page report provides essential feedback with an accurate measurement of your personality blend. 

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Teen DISC Assessment



This 12-page report is great for teens and young adults who want to understand their personality style and personal strengths. It also has a page of feedback providing tips on choosing a career direction that matches your personality style.

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Child DISC Assessment



This 8-page report is great for children ages 5-12 to help them understand their personality style and personal strengths. The online assessment is based on fun scenes with robot characters in different situations. The feedback in this report not only helps children, but it can also help parents and teachers to know how to best relate with and motivate a child.

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Leadership DISC Assessment



This 65-page Leadership version will help you be more effective as a leader. It uses a very intuitive leadership model that is easy to apply as you lead others. It shows you how to adapt your leadership style to other styles with specific "how-to" guides. If leadership is important to you, then you will especially like this version that is designed just for leaders.

$ 69.95
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Fitness DISC Assessment



This 19-37 page version is specifically for those interested in fitness, health and athletics. We have designed an assessment that measures your personality traits combined with your fitness approach and goals.


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Hiring Insights DISC Assessment



This 6 page version will help you identify the matching personality style for a job or role or position that you are trying to fill. Want to know what personality style will fit the environment of the position? Want to get better insights to find a person that will fit that environment and thrive in it? You can hire more intelligently when you hire people who will like their new role because it matches his or her personality style. To clarify, this assessment is for use by those responsible for the hiring process (to assess the job/position). It is *not* for the candidate. Potential candidates can be assessed using any of our regular adult assessments (such as the cost-effective concise version). Our free team/group chart is an excellent tool that will help you visually see how all the candidates match the target.


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Sales/Direct Sales DISC Assessment



This 50-page version is designed for those in sales and marketing where success in working with people is so important. It will help you interact and lead others based on understanding how each person is motivated. This version is similar to our extended version, but it has been tailored to help you present and lead with better results in a sales environment. 

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Financial Risk DISC Assessment



This is an extensive 40-page report that provides detailed feedback of a financial risk tolerance assessment and a DISC personality assessment.


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